Experimenting with SVG Part 2

August 11, 2021

I read up more about preserveAspectRatio and I think I understand it now.

Here are my whiteboard notes



New Concepts

  • preserveAspectRatio
  • meet
  • slice
  • alignment


preserveAspectRatio is really pertinent when the aspect ratio of the portion of the infinite canvas does not match the aspect ratio of the viewport.

You have to decide does the portion get contained in the viewport with all of the portion content showing or does the portion fill up the viewport with only parts of it showing?


  • preserveAspectRatio = “xMaxYMin meet”
  • preserveAspectRatio = “xMidYMax slice”


Meet is the portion being contained


Slice is the portion filling up the viewport


Alignment is how the portion is positioned in the viewport. xMinYMin makes it so xMin of the portion is aligned to the xMin of the viewport. It also means YMin of the portion is aligned to the YMin of the viewport.

I went through the values in my whiteboard notes.

I also updated my explore-svg project where I experimented with different svg element alignments.