CRUD App as Barebones App

July 05, 2021

The first week of developing Annotate was great. I budgeted the first week for planning and writing the barebones app. After the first week was over, I was surprised at how much got done. I didn’t have high expectations of a barebones app but after implementing the CRUD operations, I found that the app had a lot of functionality.

By the end of the first week, I was able to create, read, and delete both images and annotations. I learned about CRUD operations in the bootcamp I was recently enrolled in.* I hadn’t thought about CRUD applications as the something simple that I can build apps around but I certainly will in the future.

*Technically not true. My mentor told me about CRUD operations when I was just starting my programming journey. I didn’t have enough context to really understand the concept then but I can see why she told me about it now.